Let's go through this from best to worst:
- 100% answered - excellent: Need I say more? We've answered every question.
- Around 4.2 answers a question - excellent. So we're kind of rocking the answers.
- 48 avid users, 1,255 total users - okay (on pace for 80 200+ rep users, 3 2000+, and 3 3000+). So, we're not bad here - but we could use more users. We've posted ads on other sites, have a twitter account, and people are emailing those they know to spread the word. Plus, it's summer, so this number will likely get a boost come September. It's important, of course, to encourage people who come to stay, and I think this community is very welcoming, so that shouldn't be a big problem =)
- 1,177 visits per day - okay - this got a big boost since the last time I checked it. We're not that far from the "good" mark! I think it helps that we've gotten quite a few hot network questions (HNQs) recently - so upvote good questions when you see them!
- 4 questions per day - needs work - okay, so we've got a bit to go on this one. We should get around 6 more questions a day. So first, I'd encourage the current regulars to ask questions when you've got them - but also, this will increase as more users join and site views increase.
We're thirty days in. I think we can reach all of these goals at ninety days. What do you all think?