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Questions tagged [retagging]

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5 votes
2 answers

Implementing education-level based tagging

This is a continuation of the discussion on this question. At the time of this writing, this answer was highest voted, and so the implementation of it will be discussed here. For reference, here is ...
thesecretmaster's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

What is the [student-motivation] for real [engagement]?

I realize that getting the students motivated to learn the subject is often a problem. Even more so when sections of the class can become dry. Students who rapidly grasp some of the concepts can be ...
Gypsy Spellweaver's user avatar
6 votes
4 answers

Introducing... the [introductory-programming] tag cleanup!

The idea of teaching programming to beginners in pretty simple. But it's the simplest ideas that are most heavily abused. In that spirit, I think we need to monitor the most used tag on the site: ...
thesecretmaster's user avatar
  • 4,805
7 votes
1 answer

Retagging: Getting the Group Together

Tag proposal number 3: Change group-assignment to group-work Upvote if you agree, downvote if you disagree, or answer if there are additional considerations.
Ben I.'s user avatar
  • 34.3k
8 votes
0 answers

Retagging: Coding style? Conventions? Practices?

Tag proposal number 2: Merge code-style and coding-conventions into coding-style Upvote if you agree, downvote if you disagree, or answer if there are additional considerations.
Ben I.'s user avatar
  • 34.3k
1 vote
0 answers

Retagging: Comparisons, analogies, and examples, *oh my!*

Tag proposal number 1: Change teaching-analogy to examples, in line with matheducators Upvote if you agree, downvote if you disagree, or answer if there are additional considerations.
Ben I.'s user avatar
  • 34.3k
1 vote
2 answers

Should the undergraduate tag be destroyed? [duplicate]

Currently there is an undergraduate tag. This tag has 1 question. I believe that this tag could be made much more useful by setting a skill level rather than a grade level. There could be an undergrad ...
thesecretmaster's user avatar
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