One problem that occasionally arises here is a question or answer that is wanting but has promise but the OP is unavailable for clarifications or advice.
It might be possible to have some UI by which a mod, knowing only the user's screen name, but NOT their identity or email address could have an email sent to a user suggesting that they visit one of the chatrooms. The email wouldn't come from the mod's email account but from, say, or some other constructed address, and marked noReply.
This would be a one way communication channel, available only to diamond mods. It would reveal nothing to either party other than a request from an unnamed (or maybe named) mod.
In the simplest form, the mod might only need to enter a username and check a radio button for the particular message, but in a more useful form the mod could enter at least part of the text of the message sent by the system.
The advantages of this would be, I think, that questions (and answers) could be improved in a more timely and reliable manner.
Other users could, of course, request that a mod send such a message, which might be a feature or a bug.